Truro’s committees are all volunteer-driven and play a vital role in shaping our community. They focus on various areas, including architecture, parkland, amenities, and community. Getting involved in Truro is easy and rewarding. Whether you can contribute in a small or bigger way, every effort counts, and our committees are always looking for additional help. Contact a committee to learn more!
Architectural Control (ACC)
The Architectural Control Committee is charged with preserving the architectural character of the community. They meet virtually the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Email the committee prior to the meeting for the link to join. Please consult the ACC Guidelines before presenting a request to the ACC.
The Parkland Committee oversees Truro’s many acres of natural parkland, playgrounds, bridges and entrances. They promote a pleasurable and safe environment within a natural setting. Volunteers of the PC meet on a regular basis to address any new or on-going items affecting the parkland. Residents are encouraged to get involved and help sustain Truro parkland’s unique and picturesque beauty.
The Landscape Committee is responsible for the enhancement and maintenance of the trees, shrubs, and flowers at the Truro Community Center. The committee meets on a regular basis to address the needs of the community center’s landscaping and manages the contracts with grounds professionals.
The volunteer Pool Managers work with the pool company to ensure quality service and that the pool maintenance contract is adhered to as defined by the Truro Board of Directors. Any concerns are addressed with the management company or taken to the board for further action. The managers also order pool furniture and supplies prior to the pool season. All expenditures are approved by the Board.
The Social Committee’s goal is to provide activities and events where Truro neighbors can meet, socialize, have fun and relax. The committee sponsors the main THA social activities each year, such as the “Truro Talk” series, Halloween Parade & Carnival, Polar Bear Swim, Adult Summer Pool Party, among many other events. Find updates from the Social Committee in the monthly Truro Trails newsletter. Social committee is responsible for planning, ordering supplies and food, getting the liquor license, decorating, and collecting fees for the events. The committee meets on an event-by-event basis.
Truro Trails is our monthly community newsletter distributed via PayHOA email to members. Archived copies can be found in the member portal / PayHOA Message Board
The mission of the Traffic Committee is twofold: On a day to day basis, the committee exists as a central contact point to the Board of Directors for community concerns about vehicular traffic in, through, and around Truro. On a strategic level, the committee endeavors to monitor and anticipate the local impact of future changes in traffic volume and flow around our community, suggesting modifications and improvements where possible and needed. The committee meets on an as need basis to discuss specific issues regarding traffic in our area.